United States House of Representatives candidate Mary Todd issued a press release today in response to the press release issued yesterday by the Ryan Zinke camp in response to an alleged altercation between Todd’s husband and a member of the Zinke campaign team.  Zinke’s Press Release is posted below.



In response to the press release posted above, Todd issued her own press release, which can be read below.

Mary Todd: Ryan Zinke’s accusations of Feb12, 2024 are categorically false and defamatory. After the Congressional Primary of 2022, my husband Rick and I did donate two $1000 checks to Ryan Zinke’s campaign. We also hosted a fund raiser in our home, in his honor.



What the Zinke campaign is calling “campaign material” is one of our checks which they enlarged and publicly displayed at the GOP winter Kick-Off in Helena. My husband was understandably upset because our private information was on display. He did not punch anyone. Zinke, on the other hand, resorted to slanderous lies.