
Candidate for US Congress from Montana Mary Todd took a pause from celebrating her son’s wedding out of town to comment on the Antisemitism Bill recently passed by the US House.



The Bill, which has already received criticism from both sides of the aisle, got a “yes” vote from Incumbent Congressman Ryan Zinke, who is Todd’s main opponent in the upcoming June Primary.

Todd’s message concerning the Antisemitism Bill can be accessed below.


One thought on “Congressional Candidate from Montana Mary Todd Opines About Newly Passed Antisemitism Bill”
  1. https://news.gab.com/2024/05/the-house-passes-h-r-6090-a-threat-to-the-christian-faith-and-an-affront-to-free-speech/

    From the CEO of Gab, a free speech forum. In this short article, he brings out the idea that Christians and Christian churches can (theoretically) be prosecuted (persecuted?) under this bill because they preach and speak the Holy Bible which clearly says that the Jews were the main instigators of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

    Imagine that! And Ryan Zinke, your Montana representative voted to pass this!!

    If there is one thing which will (might?) open the eyes of Christians who are in the thrall of Zionism generally and the nation-state of Israel specifically, it is the threat that the United Zionist State of America will come after them for speaking what they believe to be true.

    Crucify Him! Crucify Him!!

    America would be a different place today if Christians had not subscribed, for decades, to two false doctrines preached and believed by millions of “good” church-goers, namely:

    The Rapture (escape from responsibility) is imminent and its corollary that the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, and,
    The Jews of the world are God’s chosen people and the State of Israel is the pre-eminent manifestation of that ideology, therefore, support is required to maintain “good” standing with God.
    Does that make you angry? Excellent! You can tell me all about it when you share a jail cell with me for speaking the truth.

    Or not. You can always keep quiet and say nothing.

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